Franca Lucarelli e Bruna Rapisarda

Designer Glam, Coco, Griffe, Breeze, Great, Vero

Our studio has been operating in Milan since 1991. We come from two different professional backgrounds, but we have been working together very closely for more than 25 years and our identities and differences have merged entirely, constituting the beating heart of what we do.
We operate largely in the sectors of industrial and interior design. We pay close attention to the world of home furnishings and accessories, and have been working in this specific industry sector for some time both in Italy and abroad.
When exploring design ideas for a product, we are always on the lookout for something new in terms of form and function, but most importantly we immerse ourselves in the context: the lives of the people who will go on to choose it.
This means that the production engineering, product presentation in catalogues and at trade shows, and even the displays in store all become an integral part of the project. In recent years, we have worked repeatedly for prestigious end clients, seamlessly embracing their different worlds. This has led to obvious benefits in terms of the success of our products, some of which have received international recognition.

Studio Oxi

Designer B220, Cozy, Rude, Laama, Gin & Gioia

Studio Oxi was founded in Italy in 2012 when the professional journeys of three designers crossed paths. They shared an immediate affinity in terms of their project ideas and design aesthetics, the fruit of their respective experiences working in London, Milan, Florence and Sydney. They have collaborated with important global brands from the world of fashion and interior design, such as Red Bull, Nike, Roy Rogers, Toscoquattro, Borzalino and more. Their project approach finds its balance between the environment and the elements within it, and between aesthetics and function. Ongoing research, a passion for the world of design, and an insatiable desire to challenge themselves are what differentiate Studio Oxi and have led to the creation of an idiosyncratic style and solid identity.

Elisa Occhielli

Designer Zenith, Groove

Architect and designer. I have worked as an industrial designer and art director since the beginning of my professional career. I have worked for numerous clients in an array of different sectors, from medical to residential and industrial, seeing projects right through from product creation and planning to advertising. Following on from my experience collaborating with furniture companies, in recent years I have worked as an interior designer, creating made-to-measure furniture that is highly customisable. The aim is to come up with an original idea following targeted research, which starts with an analysis of the context and user needs, and which translates into an exclusive product that is about more than just style.

Kostas Syrtariotis

Designer Booktree

Kostas Syrtariotis was born in Athens, Greece, in 1972, where he completed his secondary schooling in classics and obtained his degree at the “Plakas” Art School. His interest in art and design brought him to Venice, a city close to his mother’s side of the family, to study architecture at the IUAV university. During this time, he worked as a freelance designer. After graduating, he collaborated with various important architectural design studios until 2003, when he began working independently.